What We Do
Our Baby Bundles
For the Christ Child Society of Monterey Bay, love is the force behind “challenging poverty one child at a time”. For infants that translates into reducing new parents’ stress by providing much-needed baby essentials, honoring each new baby with blankets, quilts, teddy bears and other items made especially for them, and by including multiple baby board books and guidance on how to help babies acquire vocabulary words from day one. We deliver our bundles in diaper bags which mothers can use for months to come.
Our Partners:
Natividad Medical Center
Catholic Charities
Siena House
Sun Street Center’s Pueblo del Mar Family Recovery Center
Volunteer Opportunities:
Join our Yarns & Stitches group and enjoy fellowship among knitters, crocheters and sewers
Create and donate to our bundles blankets, caps, quilts, teddy bears, receiving blankets, sweaters and burp cloths
Shop for deals for bundle essentials and car seats and procure with Christ Child funds
Inventory, pack and deliver our bundles to our partner agencies