What We Do
Our Early Childhood Literacy Program

Early childhood word acquisition and literacy are critical to a child’s success in school and life. Yet very few under-resourced preschoolers have adequate access to books outside of school. We have established a preschool literacy program to address this need.

We are happy to be back in the classroom! During COVID, we delivered sterilized “kits” for the teacher to provide to the preschool parents, for use at home with their child, and/or to present in the classroom. Now that we have been allowed back into the classroom, we have continued our relationship with the Pacific Grove State Funded Preschool in both their AM and PM program.
This year, we added 3 preschool classes at Martin Luther King Academy in Salinas to our program. We read a seasonal classic book to the students, create a related craft project, provide additional hands-on activities and then send each child home with that book for their home library.
Our Current Partners:
Pacific Grove State Funded Preschool, Pacific Grove
Martin Luther King Academy Preschool, Salinas
Our Past Partners:
Carmel Unified School District
Carmel Community COVID Coalition
St. Angela Merici Preschool
Little Bear Creek Preschool, Salinas
Volunteer Opportunities:
Preparing Craft Kits and Activities at our Craftoramas
Reading to Preschoolers
Aiding with In-Classroom Lessons