What We Do
Our Car Seat Program
It is a requirement for discharge of an infant from a hospital that the family have a car seat in the car in which the baby will be transported. For the lowest income families, this can mean borrowing a car seat and later travelling with the baby without protection, or getting a used car seat that may no longer be adequate to protect the baby. Until recently, Natividad with third party support provided about 30 car seats a year to families with the lowest means--and each of these families also received one of our baby bundles.
When the third party funding for the car seats ended, the Christ Child Society determined we should fill the gap. In 2022, we are prepared to help 60 babies go home from Natividad in top of the line Graco 4-in-1 car seats installed for safety by the Salinas Fire Department before the baby's birth. This car seat will protect the baby from his or her first car ride until they age or weigh out of a car seat, saving the family from having to purchase bigger car seats as the baby grows. Each baby to receive this lasting gift will also receive one of our baby bundles.
Volunteer Opportunities:
PIcking up Car Seats from Costco
Delivering Car Seats to the Salinas Fire Deparment
Committee Leadership
Our Partners:
Natividad Medical Center
Salinas Fire Department
Costco Salinas